


Of the 4 offshoots transferred to the satellite site, 3 have successfully developed into young colonies, in one of them the mating of the princess did not work out and the colony became drone broody. This colony was swept away, the 3 others were brought back to their home base in the Heilbronn city centre.

The garden beekeeper is now going into winter with 3 economic colonies and 5 young colonies, including 2 queens from 2016 and 6 queens from this year's own replenishment.

After a tour de force, in which all colonies were moved to foundations from the own wax line (and with some wax from a befriended beekeeper), all 8 colonies are now standing splendidly and have impeccable breeding nests. With a bit of luck, all colonies will get through the winter, and the garden beekeeper will be able to sell 2 colonies in spring-time to make room again for new offshoots.

Now autumn can come.

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