Buying Bees.

The reproduction of queens to rejuvenate the population is an essential part of beekeeping. Thus the garden beekeeper can offer bee colonies for sale again and again during the year: Offshoots or young colonies in early summer, mature colonies in midsummer or autumn, or after successful hibernation ready to start collecting honey in spring.

The breeding material for the queens usually comes from the mother station WK3 of LVWI (Landesverband Württembergischer Imker e.V.) in Heilbronn.

The F1 breeding queens are mated at the home stand. This ensures gentle and at the same time powerful and swarm-bearing bee colonies, which can usually be worked with without protective equipment.

In times of wax scandals and adulterated wax, unadulterated and uncontaminated beeswax is the most valuable asset of an apiary.

Our bee colonies consistently sit on new or young honeycombs in natural construction or on the basis of self-made wax foundations made of 100% pure beeswax from our own wax line.

All colonies are treated against the varroa mite before sale, using integrated colony management procedures such as TBE (total brood removal), drone brood removal and/or organic acids in gentle application. This guarantees a mite-poor start into the new honey season.

Pickup Procedure.

After making an appointment, you bring your empty hive to us. Then we put it on the place where the colonies have stood so far and put the honeycombs into your hive. Thereby you can make sure that the queen is inside.

Pick up and transport are preferably at dusk, so that all the flying bees are also there. With pleasure on request also directly after the re-logging of the colony or also on another day.

Of course you will receive a valid health certificate and an invoice for the purchase. A purchase contract secures buyer and seller.

Free-flying bees in a car are no fun. Therefore, please think about a suitable transport safety device (e.g. fabric tape to close the flight hole and tension belt).

If you are interested, please contact the garden beekeeper.