
You have spotted a swarm of bees? It is buzzing threateningly, or it is already hanging from a tree, possibly in your garden, or even in the parasol on your terrace, and that makes you nervous?

There's no reason to panic!

Keep calm and enjoy this extraordinary natural spectacle.

"They're not doing anything, they just want to play!"

Joking aside: Be respectful towards the bees and keep a safe distance if possible.

Important: Call us immediately!

We offer the professional removal of the bees as a free service* in Heilbronn and the surrounding area.


What's happening here?

With the swarm act the bees followed their natural reproduction instinct: The queen leaves home with some of the bees of the "old" colony. The bees first gather in a suitable place before moving into a new home. In this situation the bees are not defensive, because they have neither a home nor honey reserves to defend. All their attention is now focused on colony cohesion and the search for a new home.

To catch a swarm, it is first sprayed with water. This makes the bees sluggish and makes it difficult for them to fly up. Then they are lodged in a box and brought to a new location. There the swarm of bees is allowed to develop into a full-fledged colony.

As a finder's reward you will receive a jar of honey.

*): provided that the garden beekeeper's availability in time and the accessibility of the swarm of bees allow this