Quality and Shelf Life.

Which ingredients are contained in honey? Is city honey contaminated with harmful substances? What is crystallized honey?


Heilbronner Gartenhonig is a 100% natural food product.

Honey consists of about 200 different ingredients. Besides fructose and dextrose, it contains other types of sugar, pollen, minerals, proteins, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins.

Shelf Life

The high sugar and low water content prevent bacteria and other microorganisms (e.g. yeasts) from reproducing. Thus honey is very long storable.


Crystallized, i.e. solidified honey, is not a sign of expired shelf life, but can be consumed without hesitation. If necessary, it can be liquefied again by carefully warming it up to 40°C.

Harmful substances

Studies show that city honey is an uncontaminated foodstuff and of equal quality to honey from rural areas. The bees always collect their nectar from freshly blossomed flowers, so that they have hardly any time to absorb air pollutants.

Today, air pollution is relatively low even in large cities thanks to modern catalyst technology in motor vehicles and power plants.


Furthermore, there is no large-scale application of pesticides or insecticides on the nectar plants of bees in the city.

The bee body and the wax of the honeycombs finally remove even the smallest amounts of fat-soluble pollutants from the honey.

Thus, honey bees produce clean and healthy honey even under difficult environmental conditions.