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Impressions of the Work of the Garden Beekeeper With the Bees.

Beekeeping is similar to fishing: In hobby beekeeping you can be alone and you don't have to do anything sensible. But you are allowed to fiddle about, build, invent machines, deal with the unpredictability of living creatures and always have to get out of the house.

It is mental feet up with the flair of work that cannot be postponed. A reason with a high reputation to escape the daily grind of eternal availability. In other contexts this is called quality of life, or "work-life balance".

Priceless are the beautiful moments at the apiary and the emotions when filling your own honey into jars.

And at the latest at the age of 70 years one has a good possibility to push a possibly appearing oddity on the year-long beekeeping.

The rest of the family, by the way, also enjoys the special feature, orders are delivered, children come to watch, extraction assistants stand in line. Watching the honey run out is appreciated as a relaxing meditation element: Beekeeping is the new yoga.

And anyway: How short is such a life.

You can't say it more beautiful and more to the point.



Thoughts inspired from posts in Imkerforum