Posts tagged with "Thoughts"

2022 · December 19, 2022
ChatGPT is currently the talk of the town. The garden beekeeper tried out the "intelligent" chatbot with the fictitious task of generating a text for an advertising mail: [Input] Write an advertisement email about Garden-Honey. The email should say that there is still honey in stock but whoever wants to buy some honey should be quick. [Output] Dear valued customers, We are pleased to announce that we still have a limited supply of our delicious Garden-Honey available for purchase. If you have...
2020 · June 03, 2020
Beekeeping is similar to fishing: In hobby beekeeping you can be alone and you don't have to do anything sensible. But you are allowed to fiddle about, build, invent machines, deal with the unpredictability of living creatures and always have to get out of the house. It is mental feet up with the flair of work that cannot be postponed. A reason with a high reputation to escape the daily grind of eternal availability. In other contexts this is called quality of life, or "work-life balance"....
2020 · April 09, 2020
Impressions from the garden, where the intense scent of flowers and fresh nectar surrounds you. Pure relaxation after a home office day in the cellar. Finding: For bees a corona crisis does not exist.
2018 · November 14, 2018
Slowly, the bees are calming down - the winter can come. The bee colonies have been completely fed for several weeks now and will be overwintered in one compartment. The first frosty nights are imminent. In mild weather they still fly modertely.
2018 · September 14, 2018
Now it has come true after all and a great wish of the garden beekeeper for 2018 has come true: Today, the opportunity arose to rescue a small swarm of bees that had settled on an apple tree in the garden with the bare hands. The bees were as meek as lambs. What a great, deeply moving event! A young swarm of bees is very gentle and not defensive on the day of its "birth", so that the bees can be touched in this way.
2018 · September 12, 2018
Honey from other continents such as China does not necessarily have to be bad. But is honey still "organic" when it has been transported halfway around the world? Who does not want that, buys regional honey directly from the beekeeper.
2018 · June 21, 2018
In the garden beekeeper blog, a reader commented that trimming the wings is now one of the absolute no-gos. And beekeeping by nature is different. Why does the garden beekeeper clip the wings of queens? This is indeed an ugly measure - at least at first glance. What does it do? It is one of several measures to prevent the colony from swarming. This is especially important when bees are kept in the city, because it makes neighbours nervous if a swarm of bees hangs from a tree or even from a sun...
2018 · May 10, 2018
A pretty lady nibbles on sugared tea, while the garden beekeeper enjoys his holiday in the best May weather. The resulting still life is unexpectedly profound at second glance: The Bosch slogan "Invented for Life" on the cup could also refer to the sugar water (from the perspective of the bee), or to the bees themselves (from the perspective of man - or nature itself).
2018 · March 03, 2018
All colonies fly at 8°C. So far no winter losses. What a joy.

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