Ambrose - Day of the Honey.
Today on 07.12. is the name day of St. Ambrose (* around 340 in Trier †397 in Milan), bishop of Milan, patron saint of bees, beekeepers and learning.
The veneration of the saint as patron saint of beekeepers is explained by a tradition according to which in the saint's childhood a swarm of bees is said to have settled on his face. The bees
crawled into the mouth of the child and fed him with honey. This was interpreted as a sign from God and as an indication of a great future for the child.
Bees are honoured in the song of Exsultet (praise of light at the beginning of the Easter Vigil) because of their honey, which has always been valuable, and because of wax, the only material used
for candle making for centuries, and are considered both a symbol of Christ and a symbol of consecrated virgins and diligence.
In Austria, 7 December is also Honey Day because of the saint's day of remembrance.
The garden beekeeper and his family commemorate on December 7th the death of a dear relative who felt very close to the bees and spent his life learning.
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