Today is the summer solstice. This date marks the beginning of the astronomical summer. At the same time this day is called midsummer and is celebrated especially in the northern countries. This is also the peak of the annual development of the bee colonies: in the days with the longest sunshine duration they reach their maximum strength and the natural willingness to swarm ends.
Hard to believe that from now on the days are getting shorter again, we are heading for winter.
Detlef Block has wonderfully captured thoughts about this in a song:
The year is on the highest point, a time between flowering and ripening. The balance as a picture for the highlight of the year, a moment of brief pause in the eternal up and down swinging in
nature. Becoming aware of the polarities in your own life: Beginning and end, day and night, love and fears, light and dark, happiness and pain. And sorting out what is and what will
here to listen.
1. The year is on the height,
the great scales rest.
Now give us your nearness
and make up the center.
Lord, between the bloom and the tire...
and end and beginning.
Let us take your word
and grow towards you.
2. No sooner is the day the longest,
the night grows again.
Face our fears
with your love power.
The dark and the light,
the pain, the happiness
everything takes its place
in your leadership.
3. The year teaches to say goodbye
already halfway through.
We're not supposed to grieve,
just be awake and ready,
Let go of the days
and what is perishable,
to keep your eye on the target,
that you, Lord, are yourself.
4. You grow and stay forever,
but our time is running out.
Your actions have a morning glow,
ours is sinking into the grave.
Give before the sun sets,
the outer man passes away,
that everyone can find you
and rises again through you.
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