The Carinthian Bee.
The bee colony is of the Carinthian bee race (Apis mellifera carnica), also called Carniolan bee. It is a naturally occurring breed of the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera). It is also simply
called Carnica by beekeepers. It is the most widespread bee breed in Germany.
A remarkable coincidence: The garden beekeeper spent a lot of time as a small child in Carinthia, the home of his grandparents. They received their honey from a beekeeper who lived on the nearby
edge of the forest.
Source: Wikipedia
From this time the author still knows the taste of freshly harvested comb honey, which he got together with the fine wax for nibbling, as well as honey crystallized in a tin bucket, whose fine
crystals melted on the tongue. A fresh bread, thickly spread with this wonderful honey: what could be better?
Really only coincidence, or perhaps providence?
A formative experience that lay dormant for decades and is now taking effect?
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