
Keeping Bees in the Family.

Keeping Bees in the Family.

By his interest in the subject of beekeeping, the author was quickly convinced that keeping bees in the garden is possible without any problems. But what about the WAF (women's acceptance factor), i.e. acceptance within the family?

Bees are first of all black and yellow striped, buzzing and potentially dangerous because they are stinging insects. How often have a handful of wasps in the family spoiled the fun of eating outdoors, and how were children taught to be super careful with sweet drinks outdoors? And now Mr. Father wants to put an entire beehive in the garden?

Actually bees are not interested in what we humans do in their environment. In that respect they are very different from wasps. They don't buzz around the dinner table when you eat in the garden. They do not attack a person unless they feel directly threatened by him. They also leave apples that have fallen to the ground on their left and stick exclusively to flowers or honeydew. So they would not affect us in our garden in any way.

For the children, beekeeping would be a sensible introduction to interesting natural scientific contexts. The occupation with bees should not least promote the respect for our nature and the reverence for life - also and especially the life of small animals.

But it is also clear that keeping bees takes time. In the beginning it will certainly take a little more, but with some routine it should not be much more than is necessary for mowing the lawn, for example. At least if it remains with a few colonies.

And last but not least: bees make honey! Delicious, sweet honey!

According to the motto:

Honey is the new Nutella!

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