Production and Sale of Honey.

How is honey made? What distinguishes Heilbronner Gartenhonig from other honeys?

Bees Make Honey

In fact, it is a miracle how honey is made: The bees spread out between April and August and suck nectar from flowers or collect honeydew from trees.

Then they bring the sweet juice in their honey bladder to the beehive.

Already on the way home, the bee changes the collected juices, concentrates and refines them with endogenous ferments.

After the bees have brought the honey into the combs, they thicken it by constantly fanning it with their wings. It matures in the honeycombs, which are closed with wax by the bees.

Processing of Honey

The beekeeper harvests the matured honey, then extracts it and fills it fresh into jars.

Today, honey is usually stirred several times by machine before filling to give it a permanently spreadable consistency.


In order to obtain a product that is

as natural as possible, we deliberately avoid this step in our manufacture (except rape honey).

As a result, our honey crystallises naturally after a few months and with its delicately melting natural sugar crystals is a very special delicacy that awakens childhood memories in many people.

In our blog we share the enthusiasm for honey bees. Thus, we give you an insight into the individual steps of the process and inform you about fascinating details in connection with these remarkable insects.