
Of Humans, Bees and Honey.

The diligence of the bees, the order of the bee colony, the sweetness and pleasant taste, but also the nutritional value of honey have fascinated and inspired us humans for a long time.

Already in the Stone Age, man used honey as food, as 9000 year old Stone Age cave paintings with honey hunters show.

The origin of domestic beekeeping with planned honey extraction is suspected in the 7th millennium BC in Anatolia.

The ancient Egyptians are said to have worshipped honey as the tears of their sun god Ra. And so it is not surprising that archaeologists discovered the sweet addition for the afterlife in the tombs of the pharaohs.

For the Celts mead, the honey wine, was the drink of immortality.

Greek mythology speaks of the drink of the gods and connects the bee with the goddesses Demeter and Artemis.

In many Indian traditions the bee symbolizes the soul.

The Romans, more inclined towards the earthly, relied on the alleged potency-enhancing effect of the divine nectar.

The Qur'an speaks of honey as the first benefit that God gave to mankind and praises its healing power.

In the Bible honey has a higher value than gold. It is sweet and valuable, healthy and strengthening. According to Augustine, honey is an allegory for the tenderness of God and his goodness.

Petroglyph of a honey hunter in the Cuevas de la Araña, Spain
Petroglyph of a honey hunter in the Cuevas de la Araña, Spain

Source: Wikipedia