Posts tagged with "Harvesting"
One day before the honey harvest, the beehives are prepared for the extraction of the honey:
Such a pollen trap is an amazing device: the bees have to squeeze their way into the hive through a perforated plate that is just big enough to fit through. The pollen panties are stripped off and fall through a grating into a drawer where the beekeeper can easily harvest the pollen. Since the bees themselves urgently need the pollen to feed the larvae, 2 of these pollen traps are placed in front of another of the 8 colonies every day. Tomorrow the honey rooms will be added.
Harvesting honey is one of the highlights of the bee year - at least for the beekeeper. The second and last extraction this year produced a surprisingly dark honey, with a high proportion of leaf honey from the lime tree. Forest honey, so to speak, collected and harvested by bees in the city centre of Heilbronn. Only a few days left, then this delicacy will be available freshly filled in jars.
Today, with the help of his youngest daughter, the garden beekeeper extracted the first harvest in 2018. The honey passes through three filters after the centrifugation. It then rests for one or two days so that the finest wax particles and air bubbles rise to the surface and can be removed. Then it is filled into jars.
Here it is, the first honey of 2017! A small but fine spring harvest is freshly bottled in jars and available now. This year's spring honey has turned out surprisingly dark, as the bees obviously find a lot of honeydew this year. Accordingly, the honey tastes very aromatic and has a slight malt note.
Today the garden beekeeper was allowed to harvest an extremely tasty early summer honey. However, only a relatively small quantity could be extracted, because the cool weather and the changeover to a separate wax line cost a considerable yield this year. A trainee young beekeeper has already visited several times this year and actively supported the honey harvest, uncapping and extracting the honey. The garden beekeeper's son took over the photographing. The short video tells about the...
The summer honey is extracted and freshly filled into jars! Now there are again delicious fresh honey in two varieties: Lighter, mild spring blossom honey and slightly darker, spicy aromatic summer blossom honey with lime is available in sufficient quantities. There are jars of 500g or 250g available, as well as tasting jars with 50g. Also small remainders of 2015 honey are still in stock. For the bees the winter preparations have already started.
Today the first harvest of the year was brought in. Super delicious!