The sun's rays, scents and colors of summer are preserved in honey and may sweeten many a cold winter evening :-) We currently offer Heilbronner Gartenhonig in 3 “varieties”: Crystallized naturally with the unique natural crunch - our classic. Liquid: Crystallized summer honey has been gently heated to 39 °C in a heating cabinet and thus liquefied again. The honey is also exposed to this temperature in the beehive and the valuable ingredients are retained. Creamy/fine-stiff: A “special...
Two surplus queen cells were placed in mating boxes in which they could hatch. A week after hatching, the queens are mated and laying eggs. Two reserve queens are ready to replace any winter losses. The mated colonies were transferred to a 2-unit hive box today, where they will be able to develop into two overwintering units over the next few weeks.
This year's honey was extracted on July 13th and is now being successively filled into jars. Due to the rainy weather, there was only one harvest this year: the annual honey contains mainly early honey and lime blossom, as well as everything that blooms in the city. It is quite dark, very aromatic and has a slight hint of mint. It bears the label “summer blossom”. The garden beekeeper wonders whether this fine taste comes from the lime trees or actually from the mint that blooms in his own...
Says the hive scale in the garden. And today the first new queen was welcomed and marked with a green dot. Very pleasing.
The hive scales reveal that the first significant nectar has arrived today. All the colonies are healthy and strong, they are well prepared for the start of spring!