2016 · December 07, 2016
Today on 07.12. is the name day of St. Ambrose (* around 340 in Trier †397 in Milan), bishop of Milan, patron saint of bees, beekeepers and learning. The veneration of the saint as patron saint of beekeepers is explained by a tradition according to which in the saint's childhood a swarm of bees is said to have settled on his face. The bees crawled into the mouth of the child and fed him with honey. This was interpreted as a sign from God and as an indication of a great future for the child....
2016 · December 04, 2016
If one cannot be sure which synthetic materials are added to purchased wax foundations, the production of foundations from own wax is an alternative. Using a borrowed foundation casting mould, the garden beekeeper today produced 170 of these wax plates in his misused laundry room. Including cleaning, a respectable and fulfilling day's work. What to do... :-)
2016 · December 03, 2016
At +1°C, the garden beekeeper's bees today were sprinkled with a warm mixture of oxalic acid, water and sugar. This is also supposed to kill the last varroa mites. The bees are safely out of the brood due to the frost in November, so that the mites can no longer hide in the brood cells, but sit on the bees where they can be effectively combated with the acid.
2016 · October 30, 2016
The bee colonies have already been completely fed for several weeks.
2016 · October 08, 2016
Heilbronner Gartenhonig is now also available at the weekly market at the market stand of Söhner Gemüse + Obst. Available every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm at the market stand at the "Getränkezentrum Trefz" in Weinsberger Straße / corner Oststraße. While stocks last. Heilbronner Gartenhonig is a harmonious addition to the range of locally grown fruit and vegetables, the garden beekeeper thinks. Particularly since the fruit harvest is inseparably connected with the honey bee through the...
2016 · August 18, 2016
Exactly 3 years ago today, on 18 August 2013, the garden beekeeper's bees moved in. A reason for joy :-) And for the garden beekeeper an occasion to look back on an eventful and instructive time with trial and error, in which he always asks himself the question: "Do you still keep bees, or are you already beekeeping?
2016 · August 14, 2016
The bee colonies were treated with formic acid for the first time this year. Many bees escape the corrosive climate by gathering outside the boxes in the form of "bees beards".
2016 · August 05, 2016
The summer honey is extracted and freshly filled into jars! Now there are again delicious fresh honey in two varieties: Lighter, mild spring blossom honey and slightly darker, spicy aromatic summer blossom honey with lime is available in sufficient quantities. There are jars of 500g or 250g available, as well as tasting jars with 50g. Also small remainders of 2015 honey are still in stock. For the bees the winter preparations have already started.
2016 · July 17, 2016
Almost four weeks after the summer solstice, it is time to draw a first cautious balance: After a largely rainy fruit blossom, the early harvest was at best mediocre, after which there was no honey yield at all for several weeks, so that the colonies were on the verge of starvation. Then the bees finally brought in some lime blossom nectar from mid-June onwards. No leaf honey this year because of the heavy rain. In the meantime the main collection period has come to an end and the honey...
2016 · May 26, 2016
Today the first harvest of the year was brought in. Super delicious!

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