
The summer honey is in the jar.

The summer honey is in the jar.

It is done: The honey of the year 2023 is filled into jars.

All four varieties of honey shine with their fine, very individual taste:

Spring blossom from the Heilbronn garden

Bright blossom honey from early bloomers like snowdrop, winterling, crocus, dandelion and stone fruit, with fruity aroma. 

Spring blossom from the rapeseed field in Eberstadt

Very light and of creamy-fine consistency, with the characteristic rapeseed flavor.

Summer blossom from Eberstadt

A bright summer blossom honey from extensive flowering areas and forest around the suburb of Lennach-Buchhorn.

Summer blossom from the Heilbronn garden

Aromatic, golden-brown honey from regional summer blossoms and from lime, chestnut and acacia. Strong aroma, which goes in the direction of forest honey and contains a fine menthol note.

Prices see here.

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