
DIY Swarm Box.

DIY Swarm Box.


Quickly built a few artificial swarm boxes for little money. Also well suited for capturing and transporting natural swarms :-)


  • Wastebasket "DRÖNJÖNS" for 3,99 Euro from IKEA (this is the successor of "DOKUMENT")
  • Rubber luggage tensioner 60 cm for 1,16 Euro (6 pieces for 6,97 Euro at Amazon, can be shortened without problems)
  • Screen printing plate 8mm from BAUHAUS, cut to 28 x 28 cm for 3,50 Euro
  • Furniture handle with hole distance 96 mm from home improvement store for 1,75 Euro
  • Hole insert and slider from 3D printer (material costs PLA filament from Amazon negligible), STL files available from garden beekeeper if needed.
  • 1 slider and 2 pieces of wire
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