
First Nectar Entry.

First Nectar Entry.

The honey rooms have been on the colonies for three weeks. This week the cherry and apple blossoms began.

The hivescale now shows daily weight increases again, nice to see in the diagrams. It is always fascinating to see how quickly it starts after the winter and how nature explodes.

The temperature curves are also particularly interesting: since 21 March, the date of the equinox, the temperature in the brood chamber has been maintained by the bees at exactly 35°C (yellow curve), with a deviation of ±0.5°C maximum.

The bees succeed in this regardless of the outside temperatures (blue curve). The temperature in the honey room (red curve) follows the outside temperature at a higher level, but drops sensitively at night because the colony is still growing strongly and there are not enough bees to heat the brood and honey room simultaneously. Heating the brood chamber is essential for the survival of the colony and therefore has a higher priority than heating the honey room. In summer the honey room is heated to 31°C to 36°C.

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