
Location for Offshoots.

Location for Offshoots.

It takes about 4 weeks from the creation of a offshoot. Until then, the mini colonies are very vulnerable, because many flying bees return to the mother colony. In addition, they often become victims of predation by other bees, which rob them of their food.

Setting up offshoots at the location of the mother colonies is therefore problematic. It is much better to place the offshoots directly outside the flight circle of the bees.

The garden beekeeper has now finally organised a second location for his offshoots. Surrounded by tree meadows and Phacelia fields, this is a promising location for the "nursery" of the young bee colonies, which are to become the race horses of the 2018 season.


Since the sheet metal covers ran out, it was necessary to improvise with "yellow garbage bags" as rain protection. In the car there is now always a small beekeeper accessory box.

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