
Honeycombs to Wax Blocks.

Honeycombs to Wax Blocks.

The honeycombs are melted with the help of a steam wax melter. The raw wax flows into a bucket, mixed with leftovers of food and honey. The solid components such as pollen and larvae skins are retained as "marc" by a cheesecloth and disposed of.

The raw wax is then boiled up in a fryer together with water. The water and all water-soluble components collect at the bottom and the wax at the top. The wax is then poured through a ladies' stocking into buckets where it slowly cools and solidifies.

The final result is golden yellow, wonderfully smelling wax blocks from which you can cast candles, for example.

The attentive observer will not miss the redundant temperature control. Because overheated wax is no fun at all.


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