First Inspection.
Since 3 days, after a long winter, there is now finally wonderful flying weather. In the middle of the week, the garden beekeeper was able to inspect every single honeycomb of his bee colonies and was able to enjoy five pleasantly healthy and strong colonies. A colony of freelance artists has built at the bottom of the combs. The second breeding rooms with wax foundations were given from below so that the bees have room to build and to further expand the breeding nests.
There are still few flowering plants to be seen in the surrounding area, but the scent of fresh nectar is already present in the hives. A sign that the bees still find enough. The cherry blossom
begins in a few days, therefore the first honey rooms were set up immediately.
One colony - the very late swarm from September - was extremely weak and unfortunately had to be disbanded. The colony had come over the winter, but the bees needed a lot of energy to keep warm,
which weakened them more than the other colonies. The garden beekeeper transported the queen with a heavy heart to the eternal flower meadows and repelled the remaining bees near the hives. They
begged their way into the other colonies and now they are still helping there.
The garden beekeeper deliberately worked without protection and got many stings: The bees don't like it much when their houses are torn apart and it was still quite chilly at 15 degrees.
Fortunately, the swelling was much less than last year. The garden beekeeper's immune system learns: Small amounts of bee venom are obviously part of life ;-)
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