First Honey Harvest.
On the 2nd of May the garden beekeeper couldn't resist anymore, constantly sneaking around the beehive and letting the scent of fresh honey waft around his nose, and without further ado he harvested the first honey!
And this is what happened: After his youngest daughter had followed the events around the bees with great interest, and also actively supported him in the design and production of the honey jar
labels, she now urgently wished to give her birthday guests one jar of her own honey each.
This was reason enough for the garden beekeeper to carry out the first trial extraction (the pilot run so to speak, e.g. to test the logistics). To do this, he removed two honeycombs that were
largely covered with wax (an indication of the honey's maturity), determined the water content for safety's sake anyway, removed the wax lids with an uncapping fork and extracted the honey.
4 kg of golden yellow blossom honey - the garden beekeeper's first own honey - runs from the centrifuge through two sieves into the filling bucket. From there it was filled directly into jars.
The bees got the extracted honeycombs back to be sucked out. May they not be too sad about the "theft", and may they collect many more kilos of garden honey this year.
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