
Visit of the Bee Expert.

Visit of the Bee Expert.

Those who move their colonies to another location must prove with a current health certificate that their bees are free from notifiable bee diseases. After inspection of the garden beekeeper's bee colony by the Heilbronn bee expert Bodo Peter, the colony was successfully "awarded" and properly praised on 27.03. with such a health certificate.

At the same time, the garden beekeeper - after registration as an animal keeper with the "Veterinary Office at the Lower Administrative Authority of the City of Heilbronn" - was allocated a registration number "in accordance with § 26 of the Livestock Traffic Regulations and § 1a of the Bee Disease Regulation and § 6 of the Fish Disease Regulation" by the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection of Baden-Württemberg, namely by the Department for "Control and Coordination of EU Measures" with its headquarters in Kornwestheim.

In a letter dated 26 March 2014, he was also informed that "any significant change in the number of animals, the keeping of another animal species and the cessation of animal husbandry must be reported to the veterinary office without delay".

So now the garden beekeeper has to count all his girls after all. Things are there, tss tss ;-)

Meanwhile the cherry blossom begins, and the bees find a richly laid table in the immediate vicinity.

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